From Lisa’s Series How to Travel on a Social Worker’s Budget:

Belief #1: I am Not Poor

Belief #2:  Simplify Vacations at Home to Travel Abroad

Belief #3: Look for Exchange Opportunities

Belief #4: Live Abroad by Studying or Volunteering

Belief #5: Learn to Share


When Jennifer Chang and Lisa Dazols first fell in love, medical they vowed to follow a life of adventure. The couple had no idea that their promise would lead them to leave their 9-5 jobs, pick up a video camera, and travel to fifteen countries through Asia, Africa and South America for one year.

Without any film experience, they bought a book on “How to Make a Documentary” and went in search of the people who are leading the movement for gay, lesbian and transgender equality. While interviewing LGBT leaders across the developing world they realized that their journey could have larger impact beyond just self-growth.

Their documentary captures the momentous changes occurring in the status of queer people around the world today. A film in partnership with the It Gets Better Project, the joint mission is to share stories of hope around the world.

2 Responses

  1. Hi there, Lisa,
    I have been away from Rainbow Toastmasters for a few months, as I am traveling now myself. I will be at home on 4/1, so I hope to attend RTM the following Thursday.
    I just read about this initiative of your and Jenni’s when you sent out the recent e-mail. I have traveled myself to more than 80 countries, so I would be happy to assist you in any way possible. In the video you mention that you will be going to fifteen countries, so perhaps you have the trip already mapped out.
    Are you familiar with and They are great ways to meet people when you travel. Check out my website and click the Travel button for the names of all the home-hosting travel sites I belong to. The links will take you directly to those sites.
    When I get home I would be happy to help you out, if you need it.
    And now I am going to put on my Toastmasters Grammarian hat and tell you that under the video, where it says “We talk about how ‘It Get’s Better'”… there should not be an apostrophe in the word “gets.”
    I salute you for your initiative. You take care! Hope to see you soon.

    1. Thanks Jay! I haven’t heard of that sounds perfect for us! I look forward to seeing you at Rainbow Toastmasters! Maybe I can meet up with you before or after the meeting. Let’s talk about travel!

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